I’m in the midst of learning a new plant. Water Lily is a native plant which blooms in the daytime, releasing its strong fragrance as it beautifies the marshy areas of our lakes and rivers.
Sparked by a conversation with herbalist Carol Little, I remembered something I had heard from an old friend long ago about how her elders had told her to use the root of water lilies on worrisome growths on the skin. I have yet to find any literature on this claim, but I intend to do some experimenting of my own as well as lots more research.
Yesterday with the help of some great girls I was able to collect some Nymphaea Odorata root and rhizome from a beautiful and serene shoreline in the Blackfish Bay along the Madawaska River.
I will be studying this beautiful plant along with some others that peaked my interest along the way to finding them. Today I am heading to the studio to make some medicine with Nymphaea odorata.