Enjoy the world of medicinal plants

Garden Grown

Each Season You Will Receive

Fresh, handcrafted, herbal products that will delight and nourish you.

Your Gift Box Will Contain:

  • Pantry Staples

  • Body Care Items

  • Herbal Remedies

  • Plant Education

  • Seasonal Art

  • Instructions

  • Our Reflections On The Season

  • Recipes

All the products in the seasonal boxes are

L I M I T E D    E D I T I O N    +   O R G A N I C

made with

F R E S H L Y   G A T H E R E D   F L O W E R S    A  N D    H E R B S 

Nourish Yourself

Experience the season in a meaningful way with plants we have thoughtfully chosen to highlight.


Herbs To Nourish You  Within And Without

A Garden In A Box

Throughout the changes of each season, the life in the garden richly provides the needed nourishment, medicine, beauty, and inspiration.

Your gift box contains beautiful botanical products carefully infused and preserved with herbs gathered at their optimal time with the life energy of that season.



From Springs vibrant awakening through the strength of Summer’s sun, to the letting go of Fall leaves which tell us to prepare for the coming of Winter . . . There is so much to see and learn from all the changes in the garden as it moves steadily and quietly through the rhythms of the seasons.

Let Us Share Our Garden With You As It Grows Through Each Season.